Our Graduates

Clare Streets

“School of Code Bootcamp is lifechanging.”

Their Journey

In September 2017 following a rigorous application process, 300 applicants were whittled down to the first 19-strong cohort.

The next 16 weeks saw the 19 lucky candidates pushed, pulled, challenged and cultured into job-ready, software developing professionals.

Keep scrolling to learn more about the individuals who made up the first, revolutionary cohort of School of Code bootcampers...

Interview Day

Have you got what it takes to make it in School of Code?

At the interview day, a shortlist of potential candidates meet to take their first explorative steps into tech. If you make it this far, Well Played!

From interview day, Team School of Code decide exactly who they are going to take on the coding journey of a lifetime!

Official Launch Event

The time has come for the bootcampers to introduce themselves to the local Tech scene and make their first bold footsteps into the tech industry. An audience of 100+ people including tech leaders, employers, and developers, gather to meet the cohort and get their first look at the new School of Code intake.

Live Project: Dell Week

The School of Code uses an industry-led, project-driven, and team-based learning process. We simulate the real world of working in the tech industry through a hands-on, learning-by-doing approach. This is embedded in our working day, which includes daily stand-up meetings, and plenty of time to work through problems with your team.

Around the half-way stage, the cohort are given a real problem to solve for a business - in our first cohort, this was provided by DELL EMC. The cohort were given the problem brief at the start of the week, and had to plan, manage, develop, and finally present their solution to a panel of business leaders from the organisation.

Strap yourselves in...this week is a belter!

Facebook HQ + Pivotal

We think it is important for bootcampers to experience the wide variety of possibilities in technology, business, and software development. As well as the mini-projects that the bootcampers undertake each week, it is vital that they get the opportunity to meet organisations of all shapes and sizes to understand how it would feel to work for them.

We invite everyone from start-ups to corporations into our space to talk and network with the cohort, as well as visiting some of the UK’s leading tech companies. In our first bootcamp, the whole cohort received a VIP tour around the London HQ of Facebook and Pivotal, two tech giants leading the way in their industries.

School of Code Meetup

To us, community is key. Both in terms of building your network as you grow, and making sure you give back to help others along the way. We also want bootcampers to come away with much more than just coding skills, building connections that last a lifetime, confidence, and getting experience in everything from public speaking to managing events.

In our first cohort, the Bootcampers planned, managed and ran their very own meetup at Google’s Digital Garage in Birmingham, teaching others what they had learned so far on the course. They ran two workshops, one introducing the public to the world of HTML and CSS and the other on the life-source of the web - Javascript.

Tech Awards

Each year the lightest and brightest gather to celebrate the success stories of the West Midlands Tech scene

Clare Streets, one of our first cohort, won Graduate Developer of the Year 2017. Yes, Clare!

Reckon you've got what it takes?

Demo Day

It’s Crunch time!

The bootcampers have spent their final few weeks building, managing and perfecting their final team projects to present them in front of 120+ supporters, industry experts, and potential employers. Demo Day represents the culmination of the bootcamp and a real opportunity for the bootcampers to demonstrate their work to live to an audience, and show their skills and personalities to a room full of people looking for exciting tech talent.